Deliverables and Milestones



No Deliverable title WP Resp. part Nature Deliv date
1 Signed Consortium agreement by all partners 1 ITA R 1
2 3 Two yearly reports (2 items) reporting progress/findings of the project 1 UTH R 12/24
4 Final report (1 item) concerning the progress and the findings of the project 1 Thrace R 36
5 Die set-up in lab scale 2 ITA O 3
6 Technical scale process parameters for processing of selected polymer and correlating mechanical characteristics 2 ITA R 12
7 Powder feeding unit 3 P&S P 3
8 Plasma Unit 3 P&S P 5
9 Batches of coated fibers 3 P&S D 11
10 Data of the fiber´s characterization 3 ITA R 14
v1.0 | v1.1 final ]
Coated woven fabric 4 Thrace D 10
12 Data’s of coated fabrics characterization and comparison with alternative coated fabric surfaces 4 Thrace R 14
13 Movable CPD-Unit 5 P&S P 14
14 Batches of coated textiles 5 P&S D 17
15 Data of the textile characterization 5 ITA R 18
16 In-line installation of cold plasma coating machine
(merged with 17)
6 Thrace O 18
17 Coated textiles  (merged with 16) 6 Thrace D 24
18 Evaluation of coated textiles 6 Thrace R 28
19 Characterization of screening materials: aerodynamic and optical properties 7 UTH R 26
20 Report on the evaluation of screen materials in the field: effects on insects and microclimate under cover 7 UTH R 35
21 Organization of one-day conference open to the public in both 8 UTH O 35
22 Construction of project website and maintenance for 3 years 8 UTH R 3
23 AgriTexSil Patent 4 Thrace R
24 AgriTexSil publications-presentations 8 UTH P


* Click on a deliverable’s number to open the document [the ones in bold are currently available]