The aim of the first workshop held from June 11-13, 2019 at the National Centre for Scientific Research  DEMOKRITOS, Athens, Greece was to exchange operational experiences in knowledge and technology transfer as well as to define tangible next steps among the ongoing Greek-German research and innovation projects. The workshop approach was designed and implemented by the Fraunhofer Center for International Management and Knowledge Economy IMW and facilitated by the DLR Project Management Agency as well as its Greek counterpart, the GSRT. The workshop design was developed within the IntTransNet research project, which is funded by the BMBF and aims to develop novel instruments and approaches to intensify cross-border collaboration between Germany and partner countries in research and innovation.

The workshop was carried out by the immense attention that both German and Greek participants award to joint knowledge and technology transfer. It was officially opened by Professor Costas Fotakis, Alternate Minister of Education, Research and Religious Affairs, Greece; Mr. Thomas Rachel, Parliamentary State Secretary to the Federal Ministry of Education and Research BMBF, Germany; Dr. Patricia Kyprianidou, Secretary General for Research and Technology, Greece; as well as Dr. Steffen Preissler, Head of Knowledge and Technology Transfer Division at the Fraunhofer IMW, Germany.

The openness and willingness of the participants to engage in constructive discussions as well as the active contributions made by all participants were crucial to secure the success and tangible outcomes of this workshop. The discussion and reflection of the workshop results at the end of the second day resulted in recommendations for developing and extending the promising collaboration on a bi-national level.