German-Greek Workshop on Knowledge and Technology Transfer
10/07/19 | Past Events
The aim of the first workshop held from June 11-13, 2019 at the National Centre for Scientific Research DEMOKRITOS, Athens, Greece was to exchange operational experiences in knowledge and technology transfer as well as to define tangible next steps among the ongoing Greek-German research and innovation projects. The workshop approach was designed and implemented by the Fraunhofer Center for International Management and Knowledge Economy IMW and facilitated by the DLR Project Management Agency a…

Partners meeting in Xanthi, 9-10/07/2018
11/07/18 | Past Events
The partners meeting of the project “AgriTexSil” took place on 9th to 10th July 2018 in THRACE NONWOVENS & GEOSYNTHETICS S.A. Magiko Xanthi, Greece.

NANOTEXNOLOGY 2018 (ΝΝ ’18), 30/06-7/07/2018, Thessaloniki, Greece
10/07/18 | Past Events
NANOTEXNOLOGY is the largest technology, networking and matchmaking annual event in Europe.

Kick-off meeting 27/03-28/03/2018
29/03/18 | Past Events
Kick-off meeting of the Greece-Germany bilateral project AgriTexSil: Development of a textile with silica coating for environmental friendly control of insects in agricultural production.