Biosystems Engineering Publication | UTH team
17/01/22 | News, News & Events, Publications
We are glad to announce the publication of the article entitled “Silica coated insect proof screens for effective insect control in greenhouses” by the UTH (University of Thessaly) team at the “Biosystems Engineering” journal. Click here to view the article on Science Direct. Click here to open the full document. Title: Silica coated insect proof screens for effective insect control in greenhouses Journal: Biosystems Engineering Volume: 215 Publication Date: March 2022 Pages: 21-31 Authors: Sofi…

Web Conference | 07.12.21
19/11/21 | News, News & Events
The Laboratory of Agricultural Constructions & Environmental Control of the Department of Agriculture Crop Production and Rural Environment of the University of Thessaly invites you to attend the Web Conference taking place on the 7th of December 2021. The Web Conference is organized in the frame of the AgriTexSil project, implemented in the frame of the bilateral cooperation of Greece-Germany, and co-funded by the European Union and national funds (EPAnEK). During the event, attendants will…

OPEN DAY | UTH Greenhouse Park | 08.09.21
31/08/21 | News, News & Events
The Laboratory of Agricultural Constructions & Environmental Control invites you to attend the Open Day at the outdoor area of the greenhouse park of the University of Thessaly in Velestino (Magnesia, Greece). The Open Day is organized in the frame of the AgriTexSil and CasH (Cascade Hydroponics) projects, implemented in the frame of the bilateral cooperation of Greece-Germany and co-funded by the European Union and national funds (EPAnEK). During the event, attendants will have the opportun…
Agronomy MDPI Conference Publication | UTH team
17/05/21 | News, News & Events, Publications
We are glad to announce the publication of the UTH (University of Thessaly) team at the “1st International Electronic Conference on Agronomy” organized by MDPI, in session Agronomic Innovations for Sustainable Intensification of Horticultural Production Systems. The title of the article is: “SiO2 Applications as an Alternative to Insect Control in Greenhouses”. Click here to view the article on sci-forum. Click here to open the manuscript.
Minutes of the Web-Conference | Jan 25, 2021
04/03/21 | News, News & Events, Publications
The minutes of the AgriTexSil web-conference held on January 25th, 2021 on MS-Teams by the LACEC Lab (Laboratory of Agricultural Constructions & Environmental Control) team of the University of Thessaly are published and online. Click here to open the minutes’ document.
WEB CONFERENCE | Jan 25, 2021
24/11/20 | News, News & Events, Publications
JOIN OUR WEB CONFERENCE A great opportunity for everyone interested in gaining knowledge concerning the development of an agricultural net that is environmentally friendly and non-toxic and can actively protect plants from insects. Join the first online Web Conference of the AgriTexSil project, which has been co-financed by the European Union and Greek national funds through the National Action “Bilateral and Multilateral E&T Cooperation Greece-Germany” (project code: T2DGΕ-0120). The…